Grewia Forbesii Mast.
Family: Malvaceae
GIR: Mbavu-bavu, Mbavu-ng’ombe
Self seeded. A liana/ shrub to 12m.
Larval foodplant:
- Eagris sabadius ochreana
Family: Malvaceae
GIR: Mbavu-bavu, Mbavu-ng’ombe
Self seeded. A liana/ shrub to 12m.
Larval foodplant:
Coastal Forest Checklist lists 30 Genera, 117 Species
I have growing:
Family: Lamiaceae
GIR: Mvuma
Self seeded.
Shrub — small tree to 4M. Self seeded. Edible fruits. The twigs and roots have medicinal properties properties and the roots are used to make perfumes.
The shrub is attractive to butterflies
Family: Lamiaceae
ENG: Indian Borage
A succulent leafed low perennial growing herb on the cliff. Leaves are fragrant and used for flavoring food. The essential oil from the leaves can be used as mosquito repellent.
Family: Fabaceae -Leguminosae sub family Papilionaceae
GIR: Mhamna
Bushy tree 7m-10 m. Flowers in lovely large lavender sprays before rains. Very hard timber.
Host to Plecoptera hypoxantha.
Available from Kivukoni Indigenous Tree Nursery.
Family: Ebenaceae
GIR: Mpweke
Small tree to 8M high.
Fragrant flowers. The edible, fleshy fruit are harvested locally.
The roots are used for traditional medicine.
The Checklist of Coastal Plants Forests 5 Genera, 31 Species
I am growing :
Family: Capparaceae.
Self seeded. Grown from seed or cuttings. This plant is often flowering and always covered in Colotis butterflies and ants. Medicinal use in Africa and fruit is eaten. Leaves are toxic to sheep and cattle.
In other parts of Africa, Capparis is recorded as a larval food plant for Appias, Belenois, Colotis, Dixeia, Eronia, Leptosia, Nepheronia, and Pinacopteryx.
There is no evidence from the coast that this is a larval food plant, but Capparis is regularly visited by butterflies.
Monkeys eat the fruit and antelope eat the leaves
The Checklist of Coastal Forests lists 7 Genera, 28 Species
I am growing:
Family: Araceae
ENG: Doum Palm
KWS: Mkoma, Mkoche
Branching palm to 18M
Fruit is eaten by baboons, monkeys and elephants.
Fruit is edible and the sap used for alcohol, leaves used for baskets and thatch. Turacos are often sitting in my palm.
Self seeded.
Butterflies & Moths
Bebearia cocalia – Spectre
Zophopetes dysmephila – Palm Tree Nighfighter