Vanilla Roscheri
Family: Orchidacee
GIR: Museche
Leafless, liane-like climber with green succulent stems up to c. 1 cm in diameter and short roots at the nodes. Small brownish vestigial leaves sometimes present at the nodes. Inflorescence many-flowered, up to 30 cm long, terminal or at the nodes. Flowers large and showy, up to 15 cm in diameter, white, more or less flushed with pink, strongly and sweetly scented. Lip funnel-shaped, often salmon-pink or yellowish in the throat. Capsule up to 17.5 cm long.
Flora of Mozambique
Habitat: I have seen this growing in the coastal forest. In strong wind the stems will fall on the beach.
The orchid is used in traditional medicine.
* It is not permitted to sell or purchase indigenous orchids
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