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Kilifi Gardens Indexes

Asteranthe Asterias

Family: Annonaceae
TSW: Mkilua mwitu
GIR : Muszhondoheranguluwe

Shrub or tree to 8M tall.
Habitat: sometimes dominant in the shrub layer of lowland evergreen forest. Aromatic bark. Sometimes
used for food flavouring. Flowers with unpleasant scent. Green petals turn white / crimson.

The roots and leaves are used as medicines.

Available at Kivukoni Indigenous Tree Nursery.

Possibly host plant to:

  • Graphium antheus – Large Striped Swordtail
  • Graphium policenes – Small Striped Swordtail
  • Graphium colonna – Black Swordtail
  • Graphium philonoe – Eastern White Lady
  • Abantis paradisea – Paradise Skipper


The species that I am growing are:

  • Asteranthe asterias
  • Mkilua fragrans
  • Monodora grandidieri
  • Ophrypetalum odoratum
  • Uvaria sp – to follow
  • Uvariodendron kirkii – to follow


Members of this family are best propagated from seed. The hard outer cover of the fruit should be
removed to expose the seeds within.

Source: Growing rare plants by Geoff Nichols



Lannea Schweinfurthii Var. Stuhlmanni

Family: Anacardiaceae

Gir: Mnyumbu

Ksw: Muyumbu-maji

Small to medium-sized, deciduous tree(7 to 9M) with its small, creamy white to yellow flowers and aromatic leaves.

Self seeded.

The fruit are edible.

The leaves of this tree are eaten by antelope. The fruits also attract many different bird species and monkeys. Bark used for making tea, rope, dye, a decoction against head and stomache ache, wood used for making stools and grain pestles and charcoal.

When in flower and in fruit my tree is visited all day by birds and monkeys and at night by bush babies.


An annotated checklist of the coastal forests of Kenya, East Africa by Phytokeys (May 2020) lists 7 genera
and 13 species.

The species that I am growing is:

  • Lannea schweinfurthii


Clean off the outer flesh and sow the seeds immediately. The seed is recalcitrant and loses viability in a
matter of days. Seed generally germinates in about 10 days, but this could take up to 60 days, depending on
the heat, water, and light. If seed ripens near the end of the growing season, ensure that the young plants
are kept warm during the first winter, particularly if you live in a frost zone. Prevent too much moistness, as
this will certainly cause the roots to rot.

Source: Growing rare plants by Geoff Nichols

Scadoxus Multiflorus SSP. Multiflorus

Family: Amaryllidaceae

Eng: Blood Lily

Perennial herb, growing from a large bulb. The plants die back every year and usually flower before the leaves fully develop. A single spherical inflorescence, containing up to 150 individual flowers, is borne on a fleshy stem.

Habitat: In grassland and woodland, in humus among boulders and on termite mounds

Source: Flora of Zimbabwe

Easily cultivated from seed. Place seed on the surface of well-drained sandy soil mixed with compost.


An annotated checklist of the coastal forests of Kenya, East Africa by Phytokeys (May 2020) lists 4 genera
and 5 species. The species that I am growing are:

  • Crinum stuhlmannii
  • Cryptostephanus_haemanthoides – to follow
  • Cyrtanthus sanguineus
  • Scadoxus multiflorus